The Artemis Cluster! :octocat:
... managed with Flux, Renovate, and GitHub Actions 🤖
📖 Overview
This is a mono repository for my home infrastructure and Kubernetes cluster. I try to adhere to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and GitOps practices using tools like Kubernetes, Flux, Renovate, and GitHub Actions.
⛵ Kubernetes
Core Components
- actions-runner-controller: Self-hosted Github runners.
- cert-manager: Creates SSL certificates for services in my cluster.
- cilium: Internal Kubernetes container networking interface.
- democratic-csi: Allows mounting TrueNAS ISCSI onto kubernetes clusters.
- external-dns: Automatically syncs ingress DNS records to a DNS provider.
- external-secrets: Managed Kubernetes secrets using Bitwarden Secrets Manager.
- sops: Managed secrets for Kubernetes and Terraform which are commited to Git.
This Git repository contains the following directories under Kubernetes.
📁 kubernetes
├── 📁 apps # applications
├── 📁 bootstrap # bootstrap procedures
├── 📁 flux # core flux configuration
└── 📁 ... # other clusters
K3S Node Prep
Create cloudinit for repeatable + consistent nodes.
sudo qm create 8000 --name "ubuntu-cloudinit" --ostype l26 \
--memory 1024 \
--agent 1 \
--bios ovmf --machine q35 --efidisk0 local-ceph-01:0,pre-enrolled-keys=0 \
--cpu host --socket 1 --cores 1 \
--vga serial0 --serial0 socket \
--net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0
sudo qm importdisk 8000 mantic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img local-ceph-01
sudo qm set 8000 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --virtio0 local-ceph-01:vm-8000-disk-1,discard=on
sudo qm set 8000 --boot order=virtio0
sudo qm set 8000 --ide2 local-ceph-01:cloudinit
sudo qm set 8000 --cicustom "vendor=local:snippets/vendor.yaml"
sudo qm set 8000 --tags template,23.10,cloudinit,ubuntu
sudo qm set 8000 --ciuser root
sudo qm set 8000 --cipassword $(openssl passwd -6 $CLEARTEXT_PASSWORD)
sudo qm set 8000 --sshkeys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo qm set 8000 --ipconfig0 ip=dhcp
Configure 5 new nodes
qm clone 8000 201 --name k3s-02 --full
qm clone 8000 202 --name k3s-02 --full
qm clone 8000 203 --name k3s-03 --full
qm clone 8000 204 --name k3s-04 --full
qm clone 8000 205 --name k3s-05 --full
qm resize 201 virtio0 +12.5G
qm resize 202 virtio0 +12.5G
qm resize 203 virtio0 +12.5G
qm resize 204 virtio0 +12.5G
qm resize 205 virtio0 +12.5G
Created a cloud init drive and set some parametes so we could clone the drives. Gave each node 16GB
On one of the nodes there was issues pinging so ran the following:
cd /var/lib/dpkg/info/ && sudo apt install --reinstall $(grep -l 'setcap' * | sed -e 's/\.[^.]*$//g' | sort --unique)
Talos Machine Prep
brew install talosctl
brew install kubectl
brew install helm
brew install helmfile
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
sops --decrypt {{.KUBERNETES_DIR}}/{{.cluster}}/bootstrap/talos/assets/{{.hostname}}.secret.sops.yaml |
envsubst |
talosctl --context {{.cluster}} apply-config --mode={{.mode}} --nodes {{.hostname}} --file /dev/stdin
sops --decrypt ~/Artemis-Cluster/kubernetes/flux/vars/cluster-secrets.secret.sops.yaml | kubectl apply --server-side --filename -
talosctl apply-config -f controlplane-thor.yaml -n --insecure talosctl apply-config -f controlplane-baldr.yaml -n --insecure
MikroTik VLAN
K3s Installation
FluxCD Bootstrap
Commands to bootstrap and install flux
Bootstrap Commands
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
kubectl apply --server-side --kustomize ~/Artemis-Cluster/kubernetes/bootstrap/flux
# Install age.key secret
cd ~/.sops
cat age.agekey |
kubectl create secret generic sops-age \
--namespace=flux-system \
# Install github and cluster secrets
sops --decrypt ~/Artemis-Cluster/kubernetes/bootstrap/flux/github.secret.sops.yaml | kubectl apply --server-side --filename -
sops --decrypt ~/Artemis-Cluster/kubernetes/flux/vars/cluster-secrets.secret.sops.yaml | kubectl apply --server-side --filename -
#Install kustomizations for the cluster
kubectl apply --server-side --filename ~/Artemis-Cluster/kubernetes/flux/vars/cluster-settings.yaml
kubectl apply --server-side --kustomize ~/Artemis-Cluster/kubernetes/flux/config
Boostrap from scratch and will do all the following boostrap commands:
task flux:boostrap
Install Fluxctl:
task flux:boostrap-fluxctl
Create all secrets:
task flux:bootstrap-createagesecrets
Apply all repos:
task flux:bootstrap-applyrepos:
Cilium Install
brew install cilium-cli
helm repo add cilium
helm install cilium cilium/cilium --version 1.15.5 \
--namespace kube-system \
--reuse-values \
--set operator.replicas=1 \
--set kubeProxyReplacement=true \
--set l2announcements.enabled=true \
--set k8sClientRateLimit.qps=32 \
--set k8sClientRateLimit.burst=60 \
--set kubeProxyReplacement=strict \
--set k8sServiceHost= \
--set k8sServicePort=6443 \
--set gatewayAPI.enabled=true
External Secrets
- add repo
- create name space - external-secrets
- install crds from eso
- run helm chart for bwsm-eso
- install secrets
- install bwsm eso to create connection to bitwarden
- get secret manager token for service acc
- create cluster secret store
- only proceed once its valid and ready?
Clean this section up in the docs branch